
yolo. no.

yolo is false.

for the uneducated in the current "teen language" yolo stands for "you only live once" I say that is false.  you only die once, you live everyday. teens are so silly in their thinking, psh.

the big saying when I was a teen, which is sadly still popular, was "that's what she said" it's a simple way to make almost any sentence dirty.  I wish I could say that I was one who didn't use it, but sadly I cannot. I will tell you why I don't use it anymore.

my bestest cousin, aimster, is what I call her. well, her and I were on a family trip together up at bear lake. we were walking down to the beach and she said something about a stick and I said "that's what she said" because I had just figured out what it was. she asked me what that actually meant, because she had heard her friends say it and she just didn't understand why it was so popular. in her innocence that she still has, she didn't find the humor in it.  so me being the older of us two I explained that it's just a silly dirty joke. her response will never be forgotten because I like to believe that this moment has made me strive to be a better, more spiritual individual.

she responded with the simple question "how does Heavenly Father feel about dirty jokes?"

man that really got to me, and from there we had a very nice spiritual conversation, she has helped me more than she'll ever know.

so for the eight of you that might read this, take note, that simple actions, questions, and thoughts can take you two ways, closer to Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost. or to the other guy, I like to call him The Unhappy One.

I know I'm not very good at being a good example, but I sure am trying to be better every day.


  1. Good job Aims! Yeah, I like to think... YOLO, so don't screw it up.

    1. it is true, there are just a lot of kids these days who think that yolo makes it okay to do drugs, have sex, drink, and do other things that really aren't.
